The following workshops are affiliated with SAT 2013. The workshops will take place during July 8 and July 9 (morning).
- 11th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT 2013), July 8-9
Organizers: Roberto Bruttomesso and Alberto Griggio
- 4th International Workshop on Pragmatics of SAT (PoS 2013), July 8
Organizers: Daniel Le Berre and Allen Van Gelder
- International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF 2013), July 9
Organizers: Florian Lonsing and Martina Seidl
4th International Workshop on Logic and Search (LaSh 2013)
cancelled by workshop organizers
- Challenges for the Next Generation of SAT solvers (NextSAT)
cancelled by workshop organizers
Workshop Map, 3rd floor
The workshops take place on the third floor of the conference venue, as indicated in the following floor plan of the 3rd floor.